
Opening Salvo

Get this...I happen to like beer. Well, lucky me that a pretty nice brewery opened down the street. I've been there with my girlfriend, I've been there with my roommate and his girlfriend and I've been there by myself (twice, so far, and that's not sad at ALL).

All of this is to say that I plan on using this crisply minted blog to fire off missives on beer and assorted items that I feel compel me to wax philosophical.

Well, one short thought after I had Willie, Revolution Brewing Company's Wee Heavy Scottish ale, coursing through my bloodstream tonight. First, it was quite smooth, delicious and surprisingly lithe at 8.7% ABV. Well, at that level I instantly thought of a chiseled Groundskeeper Willie.

Stay tuned to this channel...I'll bet that one of my next entries could chronicle my foray into home brewing, courtesy of my lovely lady friend. No, not hooch, Moonshine or White Lightning. Malt, hops, yeast and barley, son.

1 comment:

Lan said...

one post wonder?